The Parsed Corpus of
Middle English Poetry (PCMEP)

PCMEP Text Information

The Death of Edward III

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About the text:
Text name: The Death of Edward III
Alternative names: A dear God what may this be, That all thing wears; A dere God, what mai þis be; On the Death of Edward III
Genre/subjects: elegiac political verse, politics, political song, Edward III, death, elegy, complaint, social protest, evils of the time, contemporary conditions, lament, political malaise
Dialect of original composition:
Date of original composition: 1377
The poem laments the political situation in England upon the death of Edward III in 1377. It was therefore likely written that year. The text seems "to have been written very soon indeed after Edward III’s death" (Dobson 1983: 88).
Suggested date: 1377
PCMEP period: M3
Index of ME Verse: 5 (IMEV), 5 (NIMEV)
Digital Index of ME Verse: 30
Wells: 4.14. and 13.19
MEC HyperBibliography: Death Edw.III

About the edition and manuscript base:
Manuscript used for edition:
Online manuscript description:
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Manuscript date:

About the file:
File name:
Word count: 817
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General notes:
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Dobson, Richard B. 1983. The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381. London: MacMillan.